Friday, August 13, 2010

New Layout

Yep, I decided it was time for a re-design. I thought the name was misleading, the picture was too big, the color was too blah - basically, if I wanted to make this a serious endeavor, then some changes had to be made. So, summary of the changes -

1) The name: Now "Stretch's Take" instead of "The Weather Up Here." While the original certainly was clever, it made the blog sound too weather-oriented. Since I don't want to go into meteorology, I thought something a little more salient was needed. While the new one is *possibly* a work in progress, it's an upgrade. Stretch, by the way, is my sometimes-nickname.

2) The picture: The original is a great picture, but became outdated once the original title was swapped out. Now, being a picture of baseball stuff, it's more representative of what I hope to write about - as opposed to describing my favorite sunsets over lakes, which may have been implied by the previous picture.

3) The background: It's a little more pro-looking...I guess. More of just a change for change's sake. Great Tupac song, while I'm on the subject.

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