Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The First Post

Hey. So this is my first post, obviously, and I apologize in advance if this blog sucks because I've never done this before. But I figured I'd give it a go since I want to go into journalism, and so here I am. Like it says at the top, I'm going to try to cover as much stuff as I can, but will probably give most of my time over to sports and current events (the current events being lumped under "politics", since politics pervade so much of what goes on on the world/national/local stage). I will also apologize in advance for what I am positive will be a pro-Boston slant on anything dealing with sports, as I am a die-hard Boston sports fan. More so with the Red Sox/Patriots/Celtics/BC Eagles than the Bruins/Revolution/other Boston-area colleges (especially BU) - I still like the latter teams (well, not the college ones since I go to BC), it's just I'm not as invested in them as the former teams. Finally, for those of you wondering, the title of the blog gets its name from my height. I'm 6'4" - 6'5" according to my friends - and as such have been asked many times how "the weather is up there". So anyways, that's a quick primer on what I hope to accomplish with this. Hopefully, it works out like I envision. Should be fun.

1 comment:

Evan the Great said...

hey hey hey! my man! Blogging it up now huh? by the way, I heard the weather is pretty nice up there...